Learn how both women and men are called to minister. And how Jesus, the faithful Word, can correct and restore even those who go astray. This is the message of 1 Timothy 2-3 (even though others may have told you a different message is present in this passage). We find the meaning of Paul's letter to Timothy by going back to Eden and applying the correct view of Genesis 3:16, because God didn't curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.
- Learn how the headings and paragraph breaks added by Bible publishers to this passage from the Greek New Testament are misleading!
- This passage is not about restricting women in church or in the home!
- It is about the great ministry of Christ, the faithful Word who can restore even those who go astray!
Your small group Workshop will discuss the chapter Study Guides in the book Back to Eden, 1 Timothy 2-3 as you participate in the one-hour Zoom sessions. Discover these surprising truths you weren't told!
Your Workshop Leader has teamed up with Bruce C. E. Fleming, author of Back to Eden, 1 Timothy 2-3 to present The Back to Eden 8-Session Workshop. All the books in The Eden Book Series build on the research of Joy Fleming, PhD, PsyD. (Tru316.com)
Plus you gain access to Bruce C. E. Fleming's monthly LIVE stream Q&A Sessions the First Saturday of each month at 9AM (Central). Submit any question you want to have answered. Participate in the live discussion or watch the replay!
For more details contact [email protected].
The Back to Eden Workshop is a product of the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com).